How to Get to Venice

Distances, Travel Time, Ticket Prices 2023

Station - how to get to Venice by train?

How to get to Venice by plane, train, car or bus? Routes, travel time, ticket prices 2023. How to reach Venice from Marco Polo and Treviso airports, Milan or Rome, other European cities – found out good Time for Trip.

Venice is the city of dreams. A visit to which most tourists consider not only desirable, but also absolutely mandatory. Moreover, it should be puzzled immediately after a trip to Paris. Or maybe earlier?!

However, due to the famous location of the “City on the Water”, many believe that it is not easy to get to Venice on your own. Naturally, this is not so!

Although a careful study of the issue leads to the conclusion that it will take more time than in the case of an ordinary city. However, not much – transport links are organized here very well here! And there is even vaporetto route to Venice from airport!

As you probably guess, air travel remains the simplest and most popular way of arrival to the “City of Canals”. After all, for example, it takes only 2 hours to fly here from London!

Yes, Venetian Marco Polo Airport is on the continent, not on islands in the lagoon. But getting from it to Venice itself is not too difficult. Even if you will do it yourself.

However, let’s go in order!

How to Reach Venice from Airport

The most obvious and popular way for arriving tourists. Although there are options: the city is served by both its own airport and the neighboring one, Antonio Canova, near Treviso.

If you arrive in Marco Polo, take the water bus of the Allilaguna company, and go to Venice.

  • There are three main routes, color-coded for clarity!

The route with the letter A (Arancio or orange) completely ignores beautiful island of Murano. And it follows immediately to the pier Madonna dell’Orto.

Then sneaks into the Grand Canal and ends at the Giglio stop. That is, a couple of blocks from San Marco – everyone wants to get there first. Especially during the February carnival in Venice.

R (Rosso, red) calls at Murano (Museo stop), then moored at the Certosa and Lido islands. After that, it also visits the embankment near the Doge’s Palace and floats through the Giudecca Canal to the ferry terminal.

Boats with the letter B (Blue) on the bow follow an approximately similar route. But ends it on Giudecca.

There is another line, V (Verde, green). But its tasks are different, excursion.

  • Study detailed routes, timetables, ticket prices on the official website:

Heard something about the night vaporetto, expectedly marked N? Alas, it does not go to the airport, but only turns passengers along the Grand Canal and Giudecca!

Allilaguna boat - the most convenient way to get to Venice

Option 2

It is more expensive, and much more! As it is addressed to those who arrive at night when public transport is fast asleep. Or those who can afford spending on vacation, providing additional comfort.

It’s hard to look around at night. But it is comforting to know that at least you will get there quickly.

Note that a taxi can also bring passengers to the ferry terminal, Tronchetto. But we advise you to choose Piazzale Roma as your destination.

Much busier (even at night) place! Where all the main routes of the Venetian water vaporetto converge. Including Nos. 1, 2 and night (N).

From Piazzale Roma you can get to Piazza San Marco by number 1 or number 2 – through the Grand Canal or Giudecca. And if you want to see Murano, select a boat with number 3 on board.

Option 3

“Low-cost” carriers (Ryanair) use the Canova airport in the city of Treviso. It is located 30 km north of Venice.

From there you can take the ATVO bus to the Venetian Piazzale Roma. Or by Barzi Service to the ferry terminal, Tronchetto. The trip lasts about 30 minutes.

To use the railway, you will first have to get to Treviso and transfer to the train there. Citizens in a hurry, the option is not suitable. But those who do not mind seeing another beautiful Italian city along the way should definitely explore this opportunity.

By Train

There are not so many direct international trains arriving at Venice’s main station, Santa Lucia.

For example, there is a train from Munich, which is on the road for about 7 hours. From other cities in Germany, you will have to travel with a transfer.

And the journey, for example, from Berlin will last about 12 hours minimum. Although the distance is about 800 kilometers, of course, in this way it would be possible to conquer even faster.

A change or two would require a train journey to Venice from Nice, Dijon, Paris, Lyon, Dutch Amsterdam or Swiss Bern.

The trip from London will last approximately 13-14 hours. A tourist will have to transfer twice: in Paris and Turin.

If you choose any Italian city as the point of departure, the hassle will be significantly less. From Rome (Termini Station), the fast Frecciarossa will reach Santa Lucia in 3 hours and 45 minutes. Intercity will spend 2 hours more on the road, but it will also be cheaper.

A direct trip from Milan to Venice takes 2′ 25. The jorney from Turin will last 3’40.

By Bus

From Mestre, located on the continent, the “City of Canals” can be reached by regular route number 2, departing from the railway station. You will have to spend only 15 minutes on the way, the ticket costs 1.5 €. The bus arrives at Piazzale Roma.

Also, you can get from:

  • Milan – by Flixbus. The direct bus goes from 3.5 to 4 hours. A ticket costs from 13 € – if you go in the middle of the day. Arrives at Tronchetto. From where you can get to the city center on vaporetto number 2
  • Rome, by Departure from Tiburtina bus station, arrival at Tronchetto in 6 hours 45 minutes
  • Turin – by Flixbus. Departure from Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, arriving at the ferry terminal 7 hours later. It costs several times cheaper than the train.

By Car

In view of the good condition of the roads and, in principle, modest distances, it is a convenient way to get to Venice from almost any city in Europe. By the way, and in demand – even out of season, a huge parking lot on Tronchetto is not empty.

There you can meet both campers and ordinary cars from Germany and France, the Netherlands and, of course, Italy. However, there are not many cars with British numbers – the citizens of “Foggy Albion” prefer to travel around Europe by other means of transport.

Note that car trips on toll roads in Italy are expensive. For example, to get from the border with Austria (Villach) to Venice on toll roads (up to 130 km/h), you will have to pay under 20 euros. And this is only about 250 km!

  • For reference, a vignette that allows you to drive on all toll roads in Austria for 10 days in 2023 costs 9.6 €!

The time savings compared to traveling on free motorways in Italy can be up to several hours. After all, the latter are laid through settlements where there is a limit of 50 km / h.

  • It takes 4 hours to get to Venice from Milan (270 km) by car on the toll motorway
  • From Rome (538 km) – for 6.

A convenient service for planning trips by car with distances and prices for toll roads and gasoline:

Parking on Tronchetto in 2022 will cost at least 26 € per day. There are many places, including multi-level garages.


About STen 185 Articles
Traveling is like a life: the further you go, the more understand. I am not a writer or a journalist, but believe that my reach experience gained on trips can be useful. The whole Europe and Turkey are enough for me so far...

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