If you’ve ever planned a trip, you know how important to make it at the right time and in the right way. Only being successful in both items mentioned above can fully satisfy travelers, allowing to achieve their main goals.

Our site Goodtimefortrip.com is designed specially to help you do this with ease as we providing up-to-date information about many popular destinations in Europe and Asia.

What is the typical weather, average temperatures, will it be sunny or rainy, what to wear and can you swim in a particular time of the year? What to do and visit at spring and summer months, autumn or winter ones, how many costs tours and hotels accommodation, car rental?

All this practical info, based, firstly, on personal experience, can be found on our pages.

The project Goodtimefortrip.com was created and up to now maintained by a team of two indifferent people. We are trying to approach the matter with heart, and write exactly about what have seen and experienced, or at least planned in detail before.

Therefore, in general, you can trust the given information. But, of course, do not rely on it blindly – the weather is not formed by any of us and therefore can have its own (sometimes even opposite) opinion.

In order you not to be completely disappointed, in most published materials we provide links to sites with weather forecasts for upcoming dates. On those resources, which we ourselves used and would use in our trips and travelling.

We also ask you to take into account that the authors of the project Goodtimefortrip.com are not native English speakers and in a constant process of improving. Therefore (for the time being) we may use inappropriate turns of phrase or definitions.

As for the authorship, we initially decided that is a team effort. And all rights to the text materials published on pages of Goodtimefortrip.com belong exactly to the whole site, not to their authors. As for the photos used, they are mostly in the public domain.

With love and faith that everyone can make the world a better place, Annika & Stanislas, journalists and travelers)