What to Do in Murano

Rio dei Vetrai - the main attraction in Murano

What to see in Murano in Venice? Top attractions you need to visit, what to do, how many cost in 2024: glass, jewelry, chandeliers? How to get to Murano, is it worth staying overnight or taking part in excursions, where to eat – in the review of good Time for Trip.

Murano – the quite big island northeast of Venice. The haven for glassblowers and art lovers, car-free area, praying tourist spot. The place anyone eager to get… for many reasons.

It isn’t not just a big piece of land in a lagoon – Murano cut into pieces by channels through which run unhurried vaporetto routes (4.1, 4.2) and fast private boats. No wonder – the island is part of Venice!

Travelers want to see how they blow glass there. And to buy a souvenir, maybe a big one: vase, tea-set or chandelier. Of course, the original thing made in Murano, not a Chinese fake. And preferably – not so expensive.

Because of such travelers preferences the Murano Glass Museum is over popular. As well as the local shops selling knick-knacks and practical items made from this fragile material.

Often, shops are open directly at glassblowing factories. Some of the latter are world famous: glass products of Seguso Murano or Salviati are well known

What to Visit in Murano First

Local glassblowers rely on centuries of tradition (they were relocated here in 1291 to avoid burning the wooden Venice) and rare craftsmanship. Well, who else can shoot multi-colored glass jets into a transparent fishtail? Or make something so gracefully curved that there is no doubt – it’s done in Murano!

However, enemies say that the sand for production shipped directly from China. Yes, in recent decades, apparently, not only it – finished goods too


There is little demand for unique (and expensive) glass products in local stores. But many ladies buy jewelry for 5-8-10 euro coins, as well as souvenirs from Murano for relatives. A necklace or original beads can be purchased for € 15-20, but earrings and rings are half the price.

Glasses for € 50, saucers for € 35-40, vases of monstrous beauty for € 80-300, other trifles, iridescent with dozens of colors, remain in the windows. Because they are not the only things you can bring back home from Italy. And from Venice as well…

Glass products are the most popular motive to see Murano. Moreover (let’s tell a secret) they are still cheaper here than in the squares and streets near the Doge’s Palace and in the Dorsoduro area. Verified personally!

You must buy or at least see Murano glass

Restaurants there are also rarely empty – especially on the glassblowers’ promenade, Rio dei Vetrai. Despite the rather poor assortment, impressive prices and not so amazing aftertaste.

But you still need to eat – explore our list of dishes that are worth trying in Italy in addition to pasta and pizza

Then you can proceed seeing other attractions of Murano: embankments, ancient churches and houses – they are examined during the progressive movement into the depths of the island.

An ordinary traveler does not go far from places where his own kind gathering – especially in the evenings! So if you visit Venice in November, that is, at a completely non-tourist time, you will wander under the lanterns in Murano completely alone.

The Grand canal of Murano is the must-seeing place


It’s necessary to stroll around Murano slowly, without rushing, admiring. Only in this case you will discover what the main charm of the island is, understand how wrong those who say that there is nothing to see in Murano at all.

The houses here are shabby, there are practically no palaces, churches are not too large and don’t catch the eye – main attractions of Murano will not impress the imagination with their size. But the island is amazingly beautiful: luxury and gloss has not taken root here, but age, history are visible from everywhere.

The sun, canals, pillars, crookedly obliquely stuck into the bottom, boats, cobblestone embankments, darkened stone columns, arches, brick walls… everything as like as centuries ago. Truly!

And then you understand why you came here. Not for buying some cheap souvenirs – for sure!

Still, you will have to look at collections of the Museum of Glass in Murano. Because there are many really beautiful masterpieces inside.


And then again – just walk along the streets and embankments, look around, enjoy. Sit on the steps or bench, bask in the sun, listen to the water, go to church.

They are Catholic ones here, but that doesn’t matter. San Pietro Martire stands right along the main touristic way on the left side of Rio dei Vetrai. Pictures of Tintoretto and Bellini inside, the building itself is five centuries old.

Isn’t that one of the must-see attractions of Venice, what do you think?

The Grand Canal towards the Museum of Glass is worse in terms of the originality of the buildings, and from it, on the contrary, – better!

There are few tourists, more locals. At the very end behind the fence looks out the church of Santa Maria degli Angeli. Next it are the modern buildings of the islanders for several apartments, gardens.

The Cathedral of Santa Maria e Donato at the other end of the island – the rich gothic building with elements of romanesque style. It looks too new for the XII century, but inside you’ll the original mosaic of those times.

How old is the cathedral? Eight centuries!

After the church of Santa Maria Assunta, the Torcello Cathedral, the Murano basilica is the oldest building in Venice!

You must see the Murano Cathedral, the oldest building on the island

Where to Eat

Are you seriously? Local prices are at the level of Venice, and it’s frankly expensive: a plate of pasta costs from € 10-12, quite small pizza – from € 9-10. In addition you will have to forget about pleasure – other tourists will be walk by and look at your dinner.

How tasty are cooking on Murano? If you know where the locals eat, that is, they serve real Italian dishes, then yes. Otherwise, you will be disappointed – the restaurateurs on the central embankments do not care much about the quality of the dishes. Why would they do that – foreigners will eat everything!

However, if you leave Rio dei Vetrai, where it is too busy on almost any day of the year, you can find a taverna for locals. The food is better there, and the prices are lower

Where to Stay

Where would we recommend you to stay for a night or two, not too expensive, but a cozy place?

Well, for example, Murano Suites Boutique Apartments adults only in an incredibly cozy house on the embankment of the Grand Canal. Because it’s wonderful to spend at least a night in such a romantic place.

Pleases the eye and the Murano Place – DUOMO Canal view. The apartment which is located opposite the Museum of Glass and the Cathedral of Santa Maria e Donato. The same one that is the second oldest in Venice.

A little away from the canal, the newly renovated Ca’ Del Pomo Grana’ Al Roman are based. The super-modern filling of this flat looks very unusual against the background of the surrounding antiquity.

However, rare travelers stay at local hotels overnight – Murano is considered a one-day destination. And few people dare to spend time admiring local sunrises and sunsets. Why, when there are so many places to see in Venice?

But it makes sense! Only it’s hidden and inaccessible to those, run through medieval streets with an energetic gait and just as suddenly “flies away” on the vaporetto

Murano is for philosophers only. And for those who do not rush anywhere, intending to take everything they can from life.

However, if you stay in Venice itself, romance can also be arranged. For the water bus from the Fondamente Nove embankment runs to Murano at most 15 minutes.

What’s Next

Burano is bound to be the next stop on your trip to the Venetian islands. And then go to Torcello.

After all, the latter is the cradle of Venice! It was here that Bishop of Grado fled with his retinue and other residents, escaping from the barbarian invasion.

By the way, the reviews reasonably advise starting the day with a trip to Torcello. Because by 5 p.m., this island is completely dying out.

How to Get to Murano

Do you intend to reach the island of glassblowers immediately upon arrival in Venice? Then your choice is a direct water bus number 3, from Venice Santa Lucia or Piazzale Roma.

Indirect routes 4.1 and 4.2 run almost from the same place. But they on the trip spend much more time.

How long will the vaporetto ride from Venice to Murano take? About 20 minutes – if you choose the boat route No. 3.

We advise you to skip on Murano the first stop “Colonna”- it is there that the bulk of tourists come ashore. Therefore, wait a bit and go ashore at “Faro”, the landmark of which is the white lighthouse.

Then walk along the boulevard and enter at each store. What if you can buy a glass masterpiece there for a little money?

A single vaporetto ticket costs € 9.5 (2024) and valid 90 minutes. So it is more reasonable to purchase a Venezia Unica card for 1-2 days. Paying € 25-35 you will get an opportunity of unlimited moving around the ” The City of Canals”.

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