Venice in May

It's pretty warm in Venice in May

Venice in May 2024 – is it worth going? Weather, air temperature, hotel and excursions prices, are there many tourists? What to do in Venice in early May or at the end of spring, where to go in Veneto – in the material by good Time for Trip.

If Paris in early May is considered unconditionally the “right” destination for a romantic trip, then Venice is not so simple. On the one hand, you need to see such a miracle – the “City of Canals” often bathed in magical fogs in this time. On the other one – doubt torments the soul.

Still: the sea and lagoon, a lot of water? And because of this: the dampness and dankness??

Are there heavy rains in Venice in early May? And won’t you have to regularly fork out for disposable plastic knee-high boots? Then wandering knee-deep in water, looking at the palazzo and other famous Venetian sights?

What are the air temperatures: both during the day and at night? And finally, how crowded is Venice in May?

The answer to these questions is of interest to many. After all, it is well known that a considerable number of grandiosely conceived and promising plans to get to Venice and take a walk there to their heart’s content were spoiled by the local climate.

Let’s not argue – sometimes it’s even nice to get caught in the rain. But what if it goes on for several days? And the water covers not only sidewalks – it presses on the first floors of buildings?

Through May there is often raining in Venice

Weather in Venice in May

Alas, we can’t definitely reassure travelers – the end of spring here is warm, but damp. According to long-term statistics, early May in Venice receives more rainfall than almost any other month of the year. So, in terms of dampness, the last month of spring is second only to the clear champion – November!

However, this is not a judgment. And it is unlikely to have a decisive impact on your plans for visiting the main attractions of Murano, Burano and other well-known local sites.

At least because the local weather is considered capricious! And it is not inclined to reckon with the feelings and even more so the expectations of tourists.

Are you waiting for rain? Then there will be sun and cloudless skies!

Dry weather expected? This is another reason to stock up on a raincoat and rubber boots.

However, not necessarily!

For example, even in early November in Venice, amazingly dry and warm weather can stand for several days. And only then it begins to drip from the sky, and then pour.

The average number of rainy days per the last month of spring here is 8-10. The norm of precipitation – about 100-110 mm – can frighten a person who doesn’t know the nuances of the local climate.

Is it worth taking an umbrella with you? At the end of spring, such an accessory in Venice will certainly be in demand.

Good News

The weather in Venice in early May can’t be called hot. But it doesn’t cause any complaints from the point of view of low air temperatures.

It will be from +17-20 degrees Celsius on International Workers’ Day and adjacent dates, and even up to +24-28 °C towards the end of the month. Almost subtropical weather, right?

Temperature dips, of course, happen – how without them? But below +15 °C the local street thermometers in the last month of spring usually doesn’t show. Except, perhaps, in the dead of midnight.

Moreover, at the end of spring the sea temperature in the Venetian lagoon reaches +22-23 degrees Celsius. That means you can swim!

Moreover, for the practical implementation of this idea in practice, you don’t need to travel too far. After all, the reverse side of the Lido island, the one that faces the Adriatic Sea, has wide sandy beaches!

What to Do in Venice in May

We wrote about possible routes for walking around the “City of Canals” in a separate article. To repeat it means to waste your time.

Therefore, we will simply give some tips that allow you to plan your trip correctly. And save money too!

The cost of ONE vaporetto trip is beyond reasonable: 7.5 €. But buying a travel card for 1, 3, 7 days allows you to save a significant amount of money.

Even more for kids and their parents: ask to issue a paper called Rolling Venice at the box office on the pier (you will need an ID or passport).

The city’s tourist card, the Venezia Unica City Pass, will give you free access to some museums and temples. But you should know that the entrance to many churches in Venice is absolutely free!

For example, they don’t take money for visiting St Mark’s Basilica or the Church of San Giorgio Maggiore. You only need to pay for climbing to the next tier or to the bell tower!

The famous Frari in the area of ​​San Polo and Il Redentore on Giudecca, however, are allowed inside only for a fee of € 3!

The Doge’s Palace doesn’t advertise the discount on the website. But in fact, it allows families with at least one child to pay for admission at children’s rates (€ 13 instead of  € 20).

By the way, tickets make it possible to see not only the famous palazzo, but also visit the Carrer Museum. It’s located in the building of the former royal palace, rebuilt, by the way, by Napoleon.

In the middle of the 19th century, the notorious Sisi, Empress of Austria, looked at the Grand Canal from its windows!

The boat - at the end of may in venice you can do a lot of things


Often it is in June, but in 2024, alas, on May 19, an incredibly colorful and positive event, known as Vogalonga, takes place in Venice. Representing something like a regatta, where there is no need to come first.

During Vogalonga, hundreds of different rowing boats start from the piers on San Marco and rush to sail the Venetian Lagoon. Thus, in a clear way, signaling that another summer has come to the “City of Water”, a time of happiness and complete contentment with life.

Where to Go Outside

If the duration of the trip allows, we advise you to visit Verona. And spend at least 1 day exploring the many attractions there.

After all, in May it’s an excellent idea to go and see Juliet’s House (not real) and the residence (original) of the family of her beloved Romeo.

Do you want to visit Lake Garda? This idea also looks good! Especially at a time when nature is dressed in fresh and dazzlingly bright spring outfits.

We will even say more – on the shores of one of the most beautiful lakes in Italy, it is worth lingering. For 2-3 days at least!

You will have wonderful impressions if you pay attention to Vicenza. The very beautiful Italian town, for some unknown reason, rarely visited by foreigners.

“Little Venice” Treviso and Padua are also on our list of interesting destinations nearby “The City on Water”. On a bad weather day, you can go further south to Ferrara. After all, you need to see the local castle, the residence of d’Este, at least once in your life!

Prices 2024

Despite the ambiguity of the weather and often heavy rainfall, the number of tourists who choose May for their trip to Venice is traditionally large. Which leads not only to pandemonium on the streets, but also to the rise in prices in hotels. As well as the actual absence of interesting offers already in April.

Therefore, if you plan your trip for this period, you should take care of it in advance. And book inexpensive and well-located hotel no later than in February!

We recommend paying special attention to the Cannaregio area, adjacent to the station. And San Polo, which occupies a vast piece of land on the other side of the Grand Canal.

Hotels in these locations are usually somewhat cheaper than those in San Marco district. And the number of places where you can taste some original Italian foods for a reasonable money is much more!

Pay attention to the Venice Resorts, which is 500 meters from the Santa Lucia Train Station. Considering the price – 160-170 euros per night for two – this is a great offer!

For a significantly larger amount (above 220 € per night), you can rent a room at the Hotel Marte in Cannaregio. However, it is located 5 minutes from the station, and a walk to St. Mark’s Square will last a maximum of 20 minutes.


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