Venice in September

Weather in Venice in early September is pretty warm

Venice in September 2024 – is it worth going? Weather, average temperature, what to wear, how busy is it, prices in hotels and on excursions. What to do in Venice in early September and close to October, where to go in Veneto and far away – in the review of good Time for Trip.

Even those who know almost nothing about Venice, deep down vaguely guess that they can go to “The City of Canals” at any time of the year without being afraid to remain disappointed due to the lack of entertainment or low quality of impressions.

However, there is no secret that certain periods of the year there are more suitable for such a trip, and some are less. So, in most reviews advise not to go to Venice in November, because of the high probability of heavy rains and floods. And in some of them reasonably consider the period from December to early February as the low season.

But in summer and partly in May, there is no shortage of tourists at La Serenissima. Because the weather allows them to build and implement extensive sightseeing plans.

Yes, and September in Venice is frankly gorgeous. As in terms of the weather, which is not much different from its summer version. So in entertainment: the Venice Film Festival and the historic regatta on the Grand Canal, held at the beginning of the month, traditionally attract a lot of curious people.

After participating in those events traveler’s attention, of course, dissipates. Someone goes to Murano and Burano, Torcello or even to Lido. While others prefer to explore Venice itself – there is a lot of interesting things to do!

Would you like to take part?

Weather in Venice in September

Exceptionally or just well suited for long strolls, as well as for vacationing on best Italian beaches (Lido di Jesolo, Caorle) in the surroundings of “The City of Canals”. Since daily air temperatures in Venice during at least the first half of September rarely leave the range of + 25-30 °C (77-86 °F).

At night, however, it’s much cooler: after sunset, the atmosphere quickly cools down °C (62,6-68 °F)

In the first half of September 2023 weather in Venice was warm and sometimes even hot. So tourists often thought not about which of the sights they should see, but about finding coolness.

For air temperatures reached +30 °C (86 °F), and the sky seemed to have forgotten about the existence of clouds. The sun burned incredibly, and only a modest humidity of 70% made the existence relatively tolerable.

Most of the locals spent this time on city and suburban beaches. And the surrounding resorts like Lido di Jesolo were literally crowded with vacationers.

There was practically no rain during the first half of September 2023. Although the average rainfall in Venice in the first month of fall is about 80-90 mm. And the number of cloudy days reaches 7-10.

Note that after the 20th of the month it may get cooler. Daytime air temperatures often move in the range of + 20-22 °C (68-71,6 °F), and at nights sometimes drop to + 14-16 °C (57,2-60,8 °F).

The humidity is also growing, reaching 80-90%. That shouldn’t be surprising – in the second half of September, rains in Venice begin go on a regular basis.

There is a lot of sun in Venice in mid-September

What to Wear

From the foregoing, it should be clear that there is no need for thick warm clothing. The maximum you should bring with you in September Venice is a hooded windbreaker and a sweatshirt.

And then – only if you’re going to go on an evening gondola ride along the Grand Canal! Or to walk for a long time near the water

In any case, both the first and the second have every chance to come in handy during a trip on the open deck of a vaporetto boat. Well, or during a water tour – near the canals always much cooler.

Sea Temperature

It should be borne in mind that the Adriatic Sea near Venice in early September is warmed up to a solid + 23-24 °C (73,4-75,2 °F). And you will almost certainly want to take a dip!

You can do this on the back side of the Lido island, which has a string of good sandy beaches. Or in the vicinity of “The City of Canals”.

For example, in the town Lido di Jesolo, one of the most popular resorts in Italy. Or a little further northeast, in Caorle

Toward the October, the Adriatic sea cools down to a modest + 20-22 °C (68-71,6 °F). Which won’t satisfy lion’s share of holiday-goers.

Prices 2024

They just don’t soar in the sky – the cost of apartments and hotel rooms in September is almost at the maximum level. So a couple of two people for a night of accommodation will have to pay from € 140-150 (at least).

This is beyond taxes and fees, which in 2024 are should be added to the entrance fee to Venice

For mentioned sum you can stay in Cannaregio or in general in Giudecca. We’re not saying it’s bad – rather good. But those who are unconsciously attracted to San Marco area will probably be upset!

As well as movie fans, who hoped to settle on the Lido close to the cinemas where the premiere screenings will take place. For the cost hotels there in early September is better not to inquiry – there are quite high.

Therefore, pay attention to relatively democratic districts and options. For example, to the cozy 50 m2 Ca’ Morandi apartment in Cannaregio. It has all the conditions for a comfortable stay, the distance from the Basilica of San Marco and the Doge’s Palace – about half a kilometer.

We advise you to consider the Castello area, which is unpopular among tourists. Although from here you can walk to the very center of the city in 5-7 minutes?!

In Castello you can stay in the spacious apartments Bacio Di San Marco VeniseJeTaime. Judging by the reviews, they are well furnished and equipped with all necessary modern appliances…

What To Do in Venice in September

Above, we briefly mentioned the Historical Regatta in Venice, which traditionally takes place in early September. Becoming a witness to this event is like entering the circle of the elite. Moreover, you can watch the colorful show completely free of charge!

Equally, at this time of the year you can see in Venice some real movie stars. Although usually the local Film Festival is much inferior to Cannes in terms of the number of invited celebrities.

The rest of the possibilities for tourists are outlined in our rather compact material dedicated to the top attractions of Venice. And not only to them – we also recommend seeing some little-known churches in person.

To visit a place like Scuola Grande di San Rocco, mentioned by far from all guidebooks as a must-see. Ant to go to the island of Torcello, apparently – the cradle of Venice.

In Murano you must see not only the Rio dei Vetrai and the Venice Glass Museum – other parts of the island, off the tourist trails, are incredibly nice also.

Worth a try to find nirvana on Giudecca. Full of calmness and feelings of deep happiness is a Dorsoduro area – such senses are quite difficult to taste in San Marco.

Where To Go Nearby

Despite the fact that the program of events in Venice in early autumn itself will be rich, we recommend you to put in the itinerary one or two trips around Veneto region.

We guarantee you will not regret visiting in September Verona . A chic city that filled with light and a lot of interesting sights.

There is a direct sense to get to Lake Garda. Where the high season is still going on at this time.

Few tourists find it possible to take the time to explore attractions of Treviso. Even though most of them usually get to Venice via Antonio Canova Airport, located next to this city

Equally a very small number of travelers reach Vicenza. A not so small, but obviously deprived of the attention of guidebooks, a city in Veneto.

From our point of view, Vicenza is a kind of architectural open-air museum. A place that is clearly different from most in Italy.
