What to Visit in Florence

Duomo is a must visit in Florence

What to see in Florence in 1,2 or 3 days? Iconic sights to visit, walking routes, where is better to stay, prices 2024. What to do in the vicinity of Florence – in a review of good Time to Trip.

Florence has no shortage of iconic places – it’s not for nothing that this city is called the “Birthplace of the Renaissance”. As well the capital of Tuscany regularly falls into the Top 3 most visited tourist destinations in Italy.

Therefore, it is especially important of making a detailed itinerary before your arrival. And then strictly follow the planned schedule of sightseeing Florence.

For otherwise, the legs themselves will take you in an unknown direction. And by evening you will be surprised to find that you have been dreaming for a long time on the banks of the Arno.

Or in some church cloister – there are many of them. And each one is like… in short, the are charming!

Do not expect to cope with the compilation of the itinerary yourself? That isn’t a big deal – just carefully read this article!

Moreover, it’s not so bad – to get lost in the Tuscan capital. After all, then it will turn out to see a lot of things that a disciplined tourist does not even suspect!

Top Attractions of Florence – Day 1

The most common format for sightseeing the “Flower of Tuscany” is a day-long visit. Then the traveler, oversaturated with impressions, boards the train again and leaves to see attractions in Venice or Milan, Rome.

Well, but I will act the old-fashioned way and tell you what you can see in Florence for 2 to 3 days. Therefore, don’t waste time and immediately after getting off (at the train station) go to Piazza della Signoria. Do it by foot – the famous space is located not far away from Florence S.M.N.

You will almost certainly have to move in the human flow – even in September, Florence is thoroughly crowded. So tourists often get out on the road because there is a great chance of collision with other people on the sidewalk.

Piazza della Signoria

is beautiful and of itself. But its main diamond is the mighty Palazzo Vecchio. Once, of course, it was named the “New Palace”, and Bargello Castle was considered old. By the way, the last one also survived. And I also recommend entering it as well… a bit later.

Piazza della Signoria is a place you must see in Florence

Apart from the magnificent Duomo, the Palazzo Vecchio is probably the main attractions of Florence. Both outside and inside.

But first look around the square. Type clean water from the tap, which is built right into the wall of the ancient castle – it’s drinkable – I’ve checked myself!

Take a quick look at the founder of the formidable Medici dynasty, Cosimo I on horseback. And then admire the white marble sculpture of David …

But don’t linger too long – it’s a copy. The original for greater safety today exhibits in the Gallery of the Academy of Florence.

Palazzo Vecchio

The services of the city hall, working now in the Palazzo Vecchio, do not prevent you from visiting the epicenter of Florentine power, the former residence of Medici family.

Which, however, in the middle of the XVI century moved to the Palazzo Pitti. Standing across the river Arno from the center of public life in Florence.

Probably, Eleanor I of Toledo sang in the ears of her husband Cosimo that the Grand Dukes of Tuscany should not settle in some kind of ancient fortress, that doesn’t correspond to his rank and importance

A guided tour of the halls of the Palazzo Vecchio will easily take half a tourist day. However, even walking on your own, you are unlikely to keep within less than 2 hours.

By the way, it’s not necessary to stock up on an audio guide – the halls are equipped with signs with explanations in English.

An obligatory thing while being in Florence is the ascent to Torre di Arnolfo, whose height is as much as 95 meters! The observation deck on top offers amazing views of tiled roofs and green Tuscan hills. As well as of another famous city’s landmark – Santa Maria del Fiore, the great Duomo.

When you leave the former Medici residence, don’t forget to admire the Loggia dei Lanzi nearby, with its magnificent sculpture. And only then head to the most famous museum in Florence, the


Guidebooks rightfully convince that a thoughtful examination of its collections will take no less than 2-3 hours! It is also possible that you will have to spend some time in the queue waiting the entrance – in any time of the year there are enough people who want to do the same!

Next, go to the Arno embankment, look at the Vasari Corridor outside, try to find a good angle for photographing the Ponte Vecchio, another charismatic sights of Florence. The famous bridge is more correct to admire from some distance – tourists today occupy literally every square centimeters of ​​​​the famous crossing over Arno…

I think, it’s enough for a day – let’s examine where is better to stay for a sleep..

The Ponte Vecchio - is one of the popular attractions of Florence

Choose a Hotel

It’s absolutely senseless to settle in the very center of the city: most expensive and very annoying (noise) place. It’s a way better to find accommodation at some distance from it – for example somewhere around Santa Croce Basilica, left bank of Arno or near Santa Maria Novella train station!

In the latter case you will stay in the thick of things (walking distance from Duomo – 5-7 minutes). And – if you wish – mayn’t focus only on Florence – it’s quite easy to get to  Siena and Lucca, Pisa and other Tuscan cities by train.

While being in Florence for 1-2 nights, I really enjoy staying at the tiny Renai studio on the left bank of the Arno river. Though it’s “less than 1 km from Piazza della Signoria” from it…

Next Step

The following day it’s worth beginning where you started the first one – on Piazza della Signoria. Further through the Uffizi, go out onto the banks of the Arno and almost along the path of the Medici head to the Ponte Vecchio bridge.

You can follow this route through the covered Vasari Corridor, which now houses an art gallery. But it will be faster to go just along the embankment and the bridge!

Do you get up early? Lucky man – you can watch the sunrise over Florence. Then cross the bridge, take a cup of coffee at local bar and head towards Palazzo Pitti.

Please, note that you will spend at least half a day inside the local Palatine Gallery: with or without a guide. Indeed, in its halls of, as many as 11 paintings by the incomparable Raphael are exhibited

The palace itself is considered a masterpiece of the Quattrocento style. This is outside – inside, almost everything in the 19th century was redone in a faceless, albeit magnificent style.

I especially recommend visiting Museum of Costume and Fashion belonged to Palazzo Pitti if it will be open (complex ticket, the first Sunday of the month there is free admission). Well, and to take a short walk in the park.

For although the Boboli Gardens are quite small and not luxurious, they are probably the first example of a regular park in Europe. If you visiting Florence in May, whole beds of peonies bloom will be awaiting you.

After visiting the palace and art gallery, you can head to

Piazzale Michelangelo

It is not old attraction – at the epoch of the great artist, goats were probably grazed here – but well-known as the exceptional observation desk. The lion’s share of panoramic photos of Florence that circulate in the Internet were taken from here!

Well, then get back on the other side of Arno – on the second day of staying I would recommend finishing at Piazza del Duomo. Whose large part is occupied by the grandiose, but too overwhelming the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore. Next to which stands the openwork, truly precious Giotto’s Bell Tower.

What is the Duomo in Florence today?

Day 3

Of course, after two days of intense sightseeing, fatigue should accumulate. But in our case, this is not a reason to stop, because there are many more other mandatory things to do in Florence.

For example, you must visit the Galleria dell’Accademia with the real Michelangelo’s David. Which statue embodies the strength of independent Florence. And not forget the Basilica of Santa Croce, which stands a bit aside from the center quarters.

With frescoes by Giotto inside and the tombs of such titans as Michelangelo, Machiavelli, Rossini and Fermi, Dante this churches belongs to real pearls of the Tuscany

I also recommend paying strong attention to:

  • Medici Chapel at the Church of San Lorenzo – nondescript from the outside, inside it is decorated with a beautiful sculpture by Michelangelo. Only the Pieta in the Vatican can be compared in its expressive power with the figures “Morning” and “Evening”, reclining on the tombs of representatives of a powerful Florentine family
  • Bargello castle, residence of the Gonfaloniers of Justice, now turned into a museum. Inside excellent examples of sculpture by Donatello and Michelangelo are exhibited. As well as a good collection of medieval art
  • Church of Santa Maria Novella, which is located directly opposite the main Florentine station. The facade of the temple is one of the earliest examples of Renaissance architecture in Italy.

What to Do Outside Florence

Some (many) travelers want and have time for travelling around Tuscany to see other interesting places. After all, trains run here regularly, and distances are simply ridiculous.

First you should see Pisa with its cathedral and the famous Leaning Tower. The journey to this city from Florence takes only about 50 minutes.

Also, you can look into Lucca, the homeland of the sincere composer Giacomo Puccini. Or even get out to the sea – for example, in stunning resort Viareggio.

Getting south, you should not deprive of your attention brilliant Siena. The inspection of which, by the way, can take more than the day.

An excellent option for a half-day trip is the San Gimignano, the great preserved medieval town under the protection of UNESCO. And you will understand why, after going inside its wall ring…

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