Florence in May

Florence is worth visiting in May

Florence in May 2024 – is it worth going? Weather, temperature, what to wear, prices in hotels and on excursions. What to do in Florence in early May and closer to summer, what to visit and where to go – found out good Time for Trip.

Florence is not a place that can complain about the lack of interest from tourists. In the high season, that is, in summer and September, the capital of Tuscany is an extremely popular destination. As its streets are seething with human crowds, and museums are overflowing with those who want to see and photograph world-wide recognized masterpieces.

Is it possible to avoid dissolving in this endless human ocean? That is, to visit the birthplace of the Renaissance at a time when it looks at least a little emptier or is just preparing for a new tourist’s invasion?

It seems to us that “yes” – in May Florence is a nice and lovely place, noticeably losing in popularity to its famous colleagues!

After all, simultaneously with the onset of good weather, first Rome, and then Venice in late spring become unconditional hits of tourist preferences

Of course you should take advantage of this! After all, the most visited museum in Italy – the Uffizi – is located in the Tuscan capital. Also the fourth most popular is the local Accademia Gallery, and the 11th is the National Museum of Bargello – smart-tourism-capital.ec.europa.eu/florence-italy-shortlisted-2022-competition_en.


Moreover, at the beginning of May the weather in Florence isn’t too hot but mostly sunny. That will allow you not only to carefully examine all the local palaces and cathedrals, walk through the streets and gardens, but also visit other interesting towns of Tuscany.

And at the same time, don’t go broke – prices in hotels of Florence in the spring have not yet peaked. Yes, and you can taste truly Italian dishes in a cafes for sane money!

Almost persuaded? Well, let’s prepare for the trip!

Is May a good time to visit Florence Italy?

Weather in Florence in May

In most cases, it is excellent for the implementation of the planned large-scale sightseeing plans. Someone will say that, judging by the statistics, it is a little excessively rainy (maybe).

But we, as eyewitnesses, solemnly declare that the rain will not interfere with anything!

In 2023 May in Florence, however, turned out to be unexpectedly hot. And in its second half, the air temperature repeatedly exceeded +28-30 degrees Celsius.

But usually the last spring month in Tuscany is much less hot. For example, in the beginning of May in Florence was warm but not sultry. Air temperatures during the day reach the level of +18-24 °C, but they rarely step over it.

It is colder at night – from +8 to +12 °C

That is, just enough to make you want to walk along the medieval streets full of secrets and mysteries, looking extraordinarily solemn and beautiful. Especially when the full moon reigns in the sky, and Florentine houses from the first to the last floor are flooded with its silvery light.

At this moment, for some reason, it seems that now a medieval patrol in camisoles and swords will appear around the corner, and you have to explain yourself confusingly. Well, or run using the advantages of comfy shoes…

Until the third decade of May, the weather in Florence doesn’t make sudden movements. Street thermometers show something from the range of +20-25 °C by noon, and drop to +14-16 °C at night.

Closer to summer, the real warmness comes to the banks of the Arno. Usually very soft and insignificant – the air temperature during the day gradually rises to +24-27 °C.

But in some years, we repeat, the sun in Florence during late May is simply trying to melt the streets and squares, heating the atmosphere up to +30-32 °C!

Daylight Hours and Rains

Like April, May in Florence is considered one of the rainiest months of the year. Although it will not be easy to notice – the downpours are rare!

So it maybe useful to arm yourself with umbrellas. But raincoats and rubber boots will be clearly superfluous!

On May 1, the sun rises in Florence at about 5 am. A month later, it does the same half an hour later!

Daylight hours last of around 14-15 hours. And at the end of spring, you can walk here without fear of getting lost, until at least 8 pm. Although it doesn’t threaten you and after – the center of Florence is not too big!

In May there is a lot to do in Florence - Duomo

What to Wear

In most cases, you won’t have to think about how to dress for city tours or trips to the surrounding area. Because in Florence (and in Italy as a whole) in May everyone prefer to wear almost summer clothes.

So you should pack for a trip light trousers and shirts, dresses and skirts, t-shirts and shorts

The jacket is useful except for walking in the early morning or in the evenings. Or in those (rare) cases when the sky begins to frown, and the temperature refuses to rise above +18 °C.

Things to Do in Florence in May

Despite the fact that there will be slightly fewer tourists in Florence than in May Rome or Venice, Milan – you won’t have to wander streets alone.

Rather, on the contrary, tune in to the fact that you will see long queues at museums. And you will be forced to choose the angle for the photoshoot for a long time in such busy places as, for example, the Ponte Vecchio bridge.

However, if you plan your visits to the main attractions of Florence wisely and prudently, you can minimize the loss of time

For example, tickets to the Uffizi and the Accademia Gallery are best purchased online. And to visit the Pitti Palatine Gallery, arrive 15 minutes before the opening of the box office. Just an hour later, the line will take up the entire square in front of the palace.

A (free) inspection of the interior of the Florentine Duomo is best done in the afternoon, when the tourists get tired and disperse to cafes. Those who certainly want to climb the dome of the cathedral and visit Giotto’s Bell Tower should book a time well in advance of the travel dates. Since the number of slots is limited and they run out quickly.

Without any waiting you can almost certainly visit in May Bargello Castle. Equally, you will not have to crowd in the halls of the Palazzo Vecchio – if you go there on a weekday, not a weekend.

Not too crowded in late spring and near such an iconic place in Florence as the Basilica of Santa Croce, whose walls inside are painted with frescoes by Giotto. There is no particular excitement near the church of San Lorenzo, whose Medici Chapel is decorated with a sculpture by the incomparable Michelangelo.

Basilica of Santa Croce is definitely worth a visit and deserves to be inserted among your bucket list for your next trip to Florence!

What to Do in May in Tuscany

Once in Florence – no matter what month of the year – you definitely need to go to other cities of Tuscany. Most travelers will prioritize Pisa with the famous Leaning Tower and San Gimignano, wholly included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

But we will invite you to visit a little less advertised, but at least equally beautiful places

It is a must-see Siena – and it will be better if you stay there for a couple of days. Enjoy the beauty of Volterra, a very attractive sleepy Tuscan town. And visit Sorana, which is as pretty as it is not spoiled by the attention of the mass tourist!

Hotels & Tours Prices

The old center of Florence is quite compact, so there is no need to overpay for a hotel located right next to Piazza della Signoria. Since at a distance of 500-700 meters from this famous place you can find much cheaper accommodation facilities.

Like Hotel Bavaria, where a couple of travelers in early May can stay for less than € 150  per night. “A delightful place with a unique flavor” – say in the reviews of this hotel, located in a house built in the 16th century. And more practical travelers add that there is a Conad supermarket nearby. A visit to which will save money on food.

The Casa Carolina apartments on the other side of the Arno also look like an excellent choice

Ok, you will have to walk 15-20 minutes to the Duomo. But this inconvenience looks insignificant when you consider that the designated apartments are the flat of 55 m2, well equipped with household appliances.

In May it can be rented for 150-180 euros per day. Plus, alas, a considerable city tourist tax.

In general, it should be borne in mind that rooms in inexpensive hotels and apartments in Florence for May dates tend to end in February

So it’s worth deciding on a trip and book a number right after the New Year holidays.

Would you like to know how much organized


cost? Please:

  • for about € 65-70 you’ll buy a walking tour in Florence, which includes (free of charge without a queue) a visit to the Accademia Gallery
  • for the same amount, you will be given an individual tour of the Uffizi
    And for € 70+  you can go on an introductory tour of Tuscany with a visit to Siena, Pisa and San Gimignano.

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