Rome in May

In May there is very warm in Rome

Rome in May 2024 – is it worth going? Weather, temperature, what to wear, prices 2023 in hotels and on excursions, in cafes, how busy it is? What to do in Rome in early May and later, what to see – in the review of good Time for Trip.

May is probably the best time of the year – at least in the northern hemisphere. When nature is not just blooming – gives hope for a better future. And even an inveterate pessimist, impressed by the warmth, some primal freshness and juicy colors, begins to believe in something good!

Of course, such sentiments encourage those who love traveling. Especially the people that are eager to visit places like Rome in May becoming one of the really world’s tourist capitals.

There are many reasons for such a step – even in addition to those voiced above. But you have to take into account that (from a climatic point of view) May is not the best month to go to Rome.

And even if you don’t refuse a trip to “The Eternal City” at the end of spring, just take into account that there are enough disadvantages to such an idea!

For example, few people know, but at the end of May Rome is a hot and sometimes even stuffy place. And long walks around the city outside of air-conditioned spaces can cause unpleasant consequences like heat stroke.

Also, at this month you will have to put up with a lot of travelers intending to see the main sights of Rome before the start of the summer season. Thus, queues at ticket offices and museum halls, real traffic jams from tourists on the streets, and a wall of backs near the Trevi Fountain are awaiting for you.

And be sure – prices in Roman hotels in May, due to increased demand, shamelessly tend to go beyond reasonable limits

However, the high cost of a trip to the Italian capital is usually fully redeemed by excellent impressions. So, of course, you have every reason to strive here!

Weather in Rome in May

Average daytime air temperatures this month live in the range of +20-25 °C. Below they drop rarely, but climb above it – regularly.

At night, the atmosphere tends to cool down to +14-20 °C, turning evening and night walks around the “Papal City” into a real pleasure

At the beginning of May  the air temperature in Rome fluctuate between +20-23 °C (during the day) – +10-15 °C (at night). But even before the end of the first decade of the month, it take a straight course to the summer.

During May you can wear in Rome light clothes

As a result, in mid-May, Rome warms up to +25-27 °C. And at the end of the month, thermometers sometimes records temperatures above +30 degrees Celsius.

Similar weather is observed in principle any year. Although usually the air in Rome throughout May doesn’t warm up above +26-28 °C

According to statistics, there can be up to 3-5 cloudy days per May in Rome, the rains are not too strong and certainly not long. After waiting out the bad weather for a portion of excellent pasta or some other foods of Italian cuisine, you should be ready for an immediate photo sessions. Because rainbows over “The Eternal City” look enchantingly beautiful!

In general, if compared with summer, Rome in spring, especially late, is an ideal time for long tours around the city, a thoughtful study of arches, columns and forums, stairs and walls.

But not only for that – at this time of year, the Italian capital generously shares with everyone the energy and vitality accumulated over the centuries. On the threshold of summer, the Roman air is clear and fresh, and the atmosphere is full of positive expectations.

What to Wear

What do they dress in Rome in May? Perhaps it will be a revelation to you that the Italians themselves do not particularly like to wander the streets in T-shirts and shorts, even if the weather allows it.

On the contrary, well-tailored suits, stylish jackets are appreciated here, and due attention is paid to accessories in the form of scarves and hats. And this should not be surprising – the ability to dress well is listed as one of the key traditions of Italy. At least of the North part of the country!

Therefore, focus only on the weather forecast! And we believe that it will allow you to walk in T-shirts and blouses, skirts, sundresses and light trousers – shorts still look out of place, for example, in cathedrals and churches, the same Vatican museums

The jacket in the wardrobe is useful in case of evening walks or trips out of the city. Too warm clothes in the form of thick sweaters and sweatshirts are unlikely to be in demand.

Take into account another moment – at the end of May, you can swim near Rome. As the Tyrrhenian Sea warms up to +20-21 °C!

So take with you swimming accessories and towels, other things necessary for the seaside holidays. And plan to spend a day or two in Lido di Ostia, Anzio or Terracina, other best Italian beach resorts.

What to Do in Rome in May

Obviously, any tourist who finds himself in Rome for the first time will strive to see the Colosseum. Don’t try to visit amphitheatre immediately after arrival – you will run into the tail of a giant queue and just lose time.

Therefore, if you arrive in the morning, it is better to unpack your suitcases and make a familiarization trip to the city

There are a lot of things to do in Rome – in May especially! Wander through the streets and squares, reach the Vatican. Explore the cathedral and St. Peter’s Square, see the power of the Bernini fountains, take a look at the balcony in the very center of the cathedral, from which the Pope addresses the faithful.

You should definitely go inside the St. Peter’s cathedral – just to make sure of the power of human genius. Climbing to the roof is worth only for the skinny humans – the stairs are too narrow, and there are many people who want to do the same.

Go to the Castel Sant’Angelo, climb upstairs, look around. Imagine how the pontiffs felt when they looked from here at the city occupied by the enemy.

Stand on the Ponte Sant’Angelo and take a look at the olive-color Tiber, fraught with so many secrets. Walk to the Piazza Navona, the most remarkable square in Rome, and soak up its atmosphere. After all, this place has appeared in dozens of novels and hundreds of films!

Finish the day by climbing Capitoline Hill. The Ara coeli Staircase shows that the path of life is difficult (124 steps), but leads to the ancient, stunningly beautiful inside the Basilica of Santa Maria in Aracoeli.

The Cordonata or Michelangelo’s Staircase is much more gentle and will get a rest for the tired tourists. It leads directly to the Capitoline Square and provides everyone with a panorama of peacefully falling asleep May Rome.

In May, one of the best views of Rome opens from the Capitoline Hill


Now about the legendary circus – it’s better to go there by the opening, at 8.30 or even earlier. Otherwise, you will be one of the links of the ribbon encircling the Flavian Amphitheater. And it is likely that you will curse the idea itself.

However, buying entrance tickets online will help you avoid such a dubious pleasure

The Colosseum is traditionally at the epicenter of tourist preferences. A ticket to the amphitheater entitles you to visit the Roman Forum (it is nearby) and the Palatine Hill:

Thus, on the first you can visit the gladiator arena before sunset (in late spring and summer it works until 19). And on the second – continue exploring the forum.

Pantheon and Trevi

Once in Rome, it would be unwise to ignore such a church as the Pantheon. And such a monument as Vittoriano on Venice Square, near the Capitoline Hill. You can climb up, and inside explore the exhibits of Museum of the Risorgimento.

Surely you will not miss the chance to throw a coin into the Trevi Fountain – anyone wants to return to Rome. Not necessarily in May – you can do it, for example, in December.

Vatican City

The Vatican Museums and the famous Sistine Chapel are worthy targets for any traveler. That’s just you need to book tickets in advance, a few weeks before the trip. And pay for them online.

If you do this after arriving in Rome, it is far from a fact that you will be able to get to the Vatican on the chosen day

A similar scheme will have to be followed when visiting the Borghese Gallery. Another popular and therefore visited by a large number of tourists local attraction.

Prices in Hotels

The hotels or apartments in Rome having a decent rating (8+ in Booking system) you (pair of travelers) will book in early May for at least € 120-140 per night. At the same time, it is unlikely that they will be located in the city center.

For example, we recommend Affittacamere Roma Centro, situated about a kilometer from the Vatican walls

This accommodation have no frills, but is clean and comfortable, the rooms have a kitchenette, to guests is served the breakfast (included in the price). The metro station is a 10-minute walk away, there are many grocery stores and cafes nearby.

Somewhat more expensive, but also better located B&B Hotel Alle Porte di San Giovanni is just three metro stops from Termini Station

Their rooms are very cozy, the breakfasts are substantial.

Also not far from the San Giovanni metro station is the mini-hotel Alle mura di San Giovanni with only 4 rooms inside. The breakfast is included in the price, rooms are clean and modern, there is a shared kitchen for guests.

By the Way!

Try to choose a hotel within walking distance from Termini Station. Because with the help of fast trains, even during a short trip to Rome, you will be able to discover some other cities in Italy.

Definitely worth a visit Florence – Frecciarossa will get there from Rome in just 1.5 hours. Someone will go to Bologna (2 hours on the road) or south to Naples (1 hour and 10 minutes).

It is unlikely to get further: the train from Rome to Venice runs, for example, almost 4 hours. Too long to want to come back the same day

Which Piazza is best for eating in Rome?

Cafes and Restaurants

Visiting local or international fast food eateries will cost € 8-10 per person, depending on appetite. A hearty meal in a restaurant in the center of Rome will cost from € 20 per person. A substantial lunch or dinner for three will cost € 70-80.

A cup of coffee costs from 3 €. But keep in mind – Italians like modest portions of Espresso and Americano, just for a couple of sips.

Bottled water is relatively inexpensive if you don’t buy it in the central located stores. In the large supermarkets a 1 liter bottle costs from € 0.5.


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