Cappadocia in September

September in Cappadocia - best time to fly on hot air balloons

Cappadocia in September – is it worth going? Weather in Göreme and Nevşehir, average temperature, what to wear, how busy is it, hotel & tours prices 2024. What to do and see in Cappadocia in early fall, how to get there from Istanbul or Antalya – found out good Time for Trip.

Turkish Cappadocia today has ceased to be an exclusively summer tourist destination. If quite recently the vast majority of those who visited the region only briefly broke away from a beach holiday in Side or Bodrum, now a trip to the “Land of Beautiful Horses” has become a self-sufficient entertainment.

The trend was especially developed during the pandemic – tourists squeezed by quarantine cordons lost their former freedom to move around the world. And, as expected, they poured into opened Turkey. During this move went much further than expected.

Many of foreign travelers have discovered the enduring value of Istanbul. Where, curiously, even in September the weather is very sunny and warm .

Others have personally seen how unusual, original, primevally beautiful Cappadocia is. Along the way realizing that it deserves much more than a couple of days offered by most sightseeing tours!

Well, it turned out that it makes sense to return here again and again. Every time discovering something new and unusual, previously untested and unknown

It is worth considering that for the first visit to this region, in terms of weather it is better to choose a rather mild month. Not too hot one, but also not discouraging travelers with sudden snowfalls or overnight frosts.

From this point of view, September in Cappadocia looks like an almost optimal period. Warm, and sometimes even hot, but mostly light. That is, allowing you to realize the most intense excursion program.

Yon must see Uçhisar in Cappadocia in September

In early autumn

you are almost guaranteed to be able to fly in a hot air balloon and explore the famous valleys from the transparent heights. As for your plans to walk through gorges and ancient cave towns, they are unlikely to be overshadowed by heavy rains.

Still in doubt? Because you think swimming in the warm sea and lazily relaxing on the beach are too valuable things to be easily ignored?

No need! After a trip to Cappadocia and getting just incredibly strong and vivid impressions, you can continue your September vacation near the sea in Bodrum. Or in Oludeniz, Antalya and similar places.

Weather in Cappadocia in September

At first, has a little difference from its summer version – except that the peak temperatures are a bit lower. Some days it happens up to + 28-30 °C, but in most cases no more than +24-28 °C.

In the second decade of September in Cappadocia there is a chance of drops to the level of +20 °C and below. This is during the day – at night, the thermometers do not dare to uprise above +16-18 °C.

It gets colder in Cappadocia in the second half of September. However, not so much that you start expecting a snowfall soon and take out all the warm clothes from your suitcase – average temperatures drop down in the range of +17-19. During the day hours you can expect up to even +23-25 °C.

So, in Göreme and Avanos, Uçhisar and other places for the onset of October you can walk around in T-shirts and blouses, shorts and dresses.

Average Temperature in Cappadocia in Sept., °C
Dates At Day At Night
1-10 +25-28 +15-18
11-20 +20-23 +12-15
21-30 +18-20 +8-12

Rains & Winds

It rains quite rare in Cappadocia during the beginning of autumn. But, unlike August, the probability of precipitation cannot be considered extremely low – the statistical norm is 1-2 rainy days per month. All the rest time there are mostly sunny.

Winds in Cappadocia during September blow even weaker than in summer

Therefore, the probability of canceling a balloon flight due to windy weather is minor!

Best thing to do in Cappadocia during September is having a ride on a hot air balloon

By the way, while preparing to a such entertainment don’t forget about really warm clothes. As ballooning usually begins in the early morning, with the sunrise, when is much colder at altitude than on the ground.

On September 1, the sun rises over Cappadocia at ~6.10 am and sets at a quarter past seven. By the end of the month, the sun will be a little “tired. It will doze until 6.40 am and go to sleep at twenty minutes to 7.

What to Wear

Well, let’s talking about the rules of dressing in Cappadocia during September. It’s a way important issue, don’t be fooled by weather forecasters!

That is, you may (and must) hope that the weather will be warm, but do not forget about constantly decreasing daylight hours. And remember that after the sun sets here… vampires come out, you will need thick clothes.

Unless, of course, you want to leave your hotel in the evening after getting (very) tired of seeing in Cappadocia’s attractions during the day. Moreover, there is almost nothing to see in Göreme, apart from the local Open-Air Museum.

Don’t leave home your favorite and most comfy shoes

Because for walking along rocky Cappadocia paths and exploring caves urgently require non-slip soles and a heel that does not slap.

Sunscreen will also come in handy. Indeed, during the daytime promenades, you will sunbath almost constantly. So it is easy to get burned here even in the middle of autumn!

What To Pack for a Trip to Cappadocia in Sept.
Items Yes No
Demi-season Clothes
Trekking Shoes

What to Do in Cappadocia in September

We guarantee – you won’t get bored. On the contrary – will feel shortage of time for doing everything necessary!

So, focus on the most obligatory things in Cappadocia. There are only four of them:

  • hot air balloon flight
  • personal acquaintance with famous “fairy chimneys” in the Love Valley
  • visiting the Open-Air Museum in Göreme
  • exploring one of the underground cities.

Sunny and warm weather in Cappadocia in September forces to walk through valleys a lot

You may implement such a program on your own, which will require serious efforts. Therefore, every second tourist decides that he will not be impoverished paying someone € 60-70-80 for organizing an interesting tour of the most notable local places.

Is it any wonder that the “Red”, “Blue” and “Green” routes in Cappadocia are widely popular?

Hiking in the vicinity of Göreme looks like the most natural step. Only don’t forget when developing an itinerary yourself, to take into account the time of sunrise and sunset. And also plan lunch breaks: Cappadocian Testi Kebab is one of the most delicious dishes of Turkish cuisine.

Fans of non-standard excursions can take a horse or even camels ride through the valleys. Well, those who lack thrills and risks everywhere can take a tour around Cappadocia on quad bikes. And then (far from civilization) will meet an impressive sunset.

A mandatory thing is paying a visit to Uçhisar, climbing the top of the local castle. By the way, it is better to go there from Göreme by dolmush and walking back along the Pigeon Valley.


You should book a room in the same Göreme at least 2-3 months before arrival, preferably even earlier. Since inexpensive, high-quality and well-located, with a view terrace on the roof, hotels and guest houses are not empty in September here. If holding out with a choice, you will easily overpay 100-200 euros for 3-4 nights. That’s the minimum.

First, we recommend you to pay attention to Vezir Cave Suites. A standard double room here in early September will cost ~ € 115 per night (you can get a Genius and some other discounts as well)! “Very good breakfast included”, we and (other people in reviews) can every right to call this place superb and – thanks to the views – even amazing.

Do you want to stay not just in a cave room, but also in a hotel with a swimming pool? A reasonable, though rather ruinous desire – the regular price of the Standard Twin Room in Cappadocia Caves Hotel is is about € 200 (at a discount – half the price).

Accommodation in Göreme in September
Level Hotel Distance, m Price, €
Cheap Adventure Inn Cappadocia 350 60
Mid-Range Vezir Cave Suites 200 115
Exclusive Secret Hill Cave Suites 150 245

How to Get There

Organizing a fully independent trip under normal circumstances will require a little effort. After all, you can get to Cappadocia from London in less than 7 hours – just by buying a flight ticket to Kayseri. On the contrary, traveling to this region of Turkey by car from some remote European cities will take days.

Equally, you can visit Cappadocia after exploring Istanbul – auto trip to Göreme will take less than 8 hours. It is quite easy to get to “The Land of Beautiful Horses” and from the southern coast of Turkey, from Antalya or Side. And this is a great reason to include this kind of trip in your autumn beach vacation itinerary!
