Florence in September

Weather in Florence in September is pretty hot

Florence in September 2024 – what to do? Weather, average temperature, what to wear and how busy is it, hotels and excursions prices. What to see in Florence in early autumn, where to go in Tuscany and far away – found out good Time for Trip.

“The Flower of Tuscany”, Florence, invariably ranks in the TOP-3 of the most beloved cities in Italy. By foreign and even local tourists!

So at any times of the year it would be reckless to expect you would be alone wandering the halls of the Uffizi. It also seems unbelievable that there will be no queue to Santa Maria del Fiore. Or you watch no one at the main urban space, Piazza della Signoria – besides maybe early morning hours.

The more “high” month you go to Florence, the more busy it will seem to you. That’s why it’s a bad decision to travel to Tuscany in summer time

But what is Florence like in September? When the hot season seems to be over, and the crowds of tourist become smaller?

I’ll tell you now: about the local weather, best things of doing and places of seeing, approximate prices in hotels and on excursions.

You can wear summer clothes in Florence in September

Weather in Florence in September

is quite hot that pretty bad suited for long walks in the city center. For although fall has come, the really summer heat doesn’t want to recede.

In recent years, it has become something of a local tradition. So right up to the middle of September the daytime air temperature in Florence reached the range of +30-35 °C. And did it regularly, sometimes without the breaks!

Of course, Florence doesn’t observe such hot weather in every September. As in general, daytime temperatures in the first month of autumn here willingly “live” in the range of +25-30 °C.

In the second half of September the average temperature in Florence sharply drop to +20-22 ​​°C. So if at noon sometimes can be pretty warm (around +25 °C), by midnight you clearly feel – there is real autumn in the yard.

It’s much cooler at nights. The drop of the air temperature is so great that tourists can be stunned – in the evenings it’ll get colder up to +18-20 °C.

So if you like long strolling in the evenings or plan to sit on the banks of the Arno river or on Piazzale Michelangelo for a long time, watching the Tuscan capital fall asleep, take some sweater or jacket with you. Otherwise, you run the risk of freezing corny.


At the same time, it will rain quite slightly in Florence through the first month of autumn: for a maximum of 3-4 days. The average volume of precipitation is also low – up to 40 mm.

So for most days, you’ll be gazing at almost flawless blue Tuscany skies. And at a cloudy ones will visit the main art galleries.

It is worth considering that the humidity in Florence throughout September rarely exceeds 60%. Making it relatively easy to endure the heat.

The Basilica of Santa Croce in Florence

What to Do in Florence in September

Naturally, there are enough attractions in the Tuscan capital itself. And – which is nice – they are located quite compactly!

Only the Palazzo Pitti and its great art Gallery is situated at some distance from the old town. Yes, and Michelangelo Square is placed where a good observation deck should be. That is, on a hill with a beautiful panoramic view.

Everything else fits into a one-day itinerary of walking (main sights of Florence see here). Unless you need a few days to not only see, but also consider in details treasures of the Uffizi Gallery, for example.

Definitely worth seeing from the inside the Palazzo Vecchio on Piazza della Signoria, the same old castle from where the formidable Medici ruled Florence. As well you should climb its tower (90 meters), from where opens a superb view of the city.

I also deeply recommend visiting Bargello Castle, the harsh medieval citadel made of huge stones, at least from the outside seeing the Palazzo Medici Riccardi. And look into the Accademia Gallery, where exhibited one of the main masterpieces of Michelangelo, the 4-meter David.

An acquaintance with Florence will be incomplete if you don’t visit the Basilica di San Lorenzo. A huge old church, one of the chapels of which (Medici) was also consecrated by the genius of Michelangelo.

It’s highly advisable to also get in the local Basilica di Santa Croce, one of the chapels in which is decorated with frescoes by the incomparable Giotto, the master of the Quattrocento.

In front of the church stands the monument to Dante Alighieri. One of the most famous Italian poets and a native of Florence.


Have I forgotten about the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore and Giotto’s Bell Tower? Nothing happened – on the contrary, it should become the main magnet of your attention if you get to Florence in the beginning of September.

For 2 main reasons!

Visiting Piazza della Signoria in Florence is the main thing to do in September

The first one – the local Duomo, crowned with the dome of Brunelleschi, rightfully belongs to the number of the main architectural masterpieces not even of Italy, of the whole world. And before the construction of St. Peter’s Cathedral in Rome, it was considered the most grandiose temple in the whole country.

And secondly – the cathedral was laid on September 8, 1296, on the birthday of the Virgin

In Florence to coincide with this event the annual Paper Lantern Festival, the very touching and heartfelt fest. The solemn procession, led by the cardinal, at 8 p.m. on September 7, sets off from the Basilica of Santa Croce and goes to the church of Santissima Annunziata. In the front of which thousands of people with burning lanterns are already waiting for it

On the eve of the holiday, on September 6 and 7, the big city fair is held on the square in front of Santissima Annunziata. There you can buy both unique handmade Italian souvenirs or excellent quality products of Tuscan farmers: olives and oil, honey and cheeses.

Outside Trips

Note, that you can make “The Capital of Renaissance” the base for your travelling around Tuscany with tours or by your own. Moreover, the local September – dry and clear – is perfect fit for this!

You will have to spend about an hour on the road to get to Pisa, for example. And just 20 minutes more – for reaching Lucca.

It is equally easy to make a short seaside vacation in Viareggio. Or on other great Tuscany beaches: near Livorno, or in the Maremma area.

A great idea is to pay a visit to amazing medieval San Gimignano, “The City of 14 Towers”. Also, I advise you to spend 1-2 days to acquaintance with the main attractions of Siena, once the capital of a powerful trading republic.


Main attractions of Florence can be seen in just 2-3 days. That is why short trips here are in so demand and hotel prices are quite high.

Note that this fully applies to Florence even at the end of September. Although, if you take care of booking in advance, it’s possible to find not too ruinous options.

One way or another, but it’s difficult to rent something decent for less than $ 120-130 (tourist city tax excluded) a night. If you hope to settle close to the old districts, of course, not in the outskirts.

In this sense I recommend Hotel Dali, less than 2 minutes on foot from Piazza del Duomo. Good place with the really polite and helpful staff. And not so expensive as well!

As for city fours, such aggregator as Viator offers some which costs around $ 40 per person. For this sum, you can walk with a guide and for almost two hours inside the Duomo. Spending little more than $ 50 you’ll take part in the sightseeing tour (2 h) of the center of Florence.

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