Venice in March

Is it worth going to Venice in March?

Venice in March 2024 – is it worth visiting? Weather, air temperature and precipitation, what to wear, hotels and city tours prices. What to do in Venice in early March and on the threshold of April, what to visit, where to go nearby – found out good Time for Trip.

In theory, March is the month marking the beginning of spring. The most energetic and encouraging time of the year, when nature wakes up after winter, slowly at first, then faster and faster charging even unimpressionable people with positivity.

In the Nordic countries, Canada and the northern United States, however, this process is very time-consuming. And it definitely doesn’t start on March 1st.

Is it any wonder that those who can afford it are doing their best to accelerate the arrival of the “real” spring. Going, if not to tropical regions, then at least where there is obviously no snow, and people has no need to wear warm clothes leaving home.

In March, Venice is definitely one of these places: not too cold and already clearly welcoming spring. And, most importantly, it isn’t too expensive – if you study the actual prices in Venetian hotels for the summer season, you will easily agree with this.

Also, in early spring in “City of Canals” will be incomparably fewer tourists. As for the weather, in March it will allow you to do in Venice everything you want. Without queuing and walking in the crowd!

This time you can easily expand your horizons by traveling from Venice to Rome or Milan. Well, or by visiting other interesting places in Veneto – those that you don’t really want to get to in the summer heat!

Weather in Venice in March

rarely disappoints travelers who expect to see the maximum number of attractions. Especially those of them who are aware that the beginning of spring at this latitude isn’t equal the beginning of summer. And they don’t expect to walk around in light shirts and summer sundresses at this time.

At the beginning of March 2023, it was quite warm in Venice, during daytime the air temperature regularly stayed in the range of +11-15 °C. Although walking at night, you could feel with your own skin that winter was still somewhere nearby – after sunset, the atmosphere cooled to just +3-6 °C.

The weather in Venice in March is quite warm

The turning point didn’t become and in the second decade – the weather forecast promised of about +12-14 °C in the daytime and no higher than +7-9 °C in the dark. Thus, as if provoking sightseeing activity – who wouldn’t want to take part in excursions around such a beautiful city when he is not in danger of hypothermia or overheating.

Little later it got even better. In the third decade of March, it became a bit warmer in Venice – sometimes the air temperature rose to +17-20 °C. So on some days, wandering around the city, you could feel that the sun was not just warming, but even baking.

Will Venice be as warm at the end of March? That is, what kind of impressions do you expect if you decide to meet Easter (March 31st in 2024) in “City on Water”? And to spend here the next day also – keep in mind that Easter Monday is an official holiday in Italy –

With a high probability, yes! Since the archival meteorological statistics of recent years clearly vote for the fact that closer to April, the air temperature in Venice tends to range above +18 °C.


Some travel guides gloomily predict that in March you will find incredible dampness and constant rains in Venice. In fact, this is not the case – statistically, the first month of spring in “La Serenissima” is inferior in terms of precipitation not only to February, but even to April. We aren’t talking about May – the wettest period in Venice of the whole year!

Yes, there won’t be too many sunny days, but this is a common thing for this city. The main thing is that the average monthly precipitation does not exceed 70-80 mm. The number of rainy days during March in Venice never surpass the number 7.

Humidity, of course, will be high for the whole month – it ranges from 75-95%. So in general, of course, you should dress warmer. And, probably, take a multi-colored umbrella with you: both to cheer up on a cloudy day and for more practical purposes.

Length of the Day

On March 1, the sun rises over Venice at 6.50 am, and sets over the horizon at almost 6 pm o’clock. A month later, it does the same thing an hour earlier and 40 minutes later.

The length of daylight thus varies between 11 hours and 12 hours and 40 minutes. That is, it is quite sufficient for you to have time both to explore the main sights of Venice from the outside (for example, from aboard the vaporetto boat No. 1) or go inside.

The weather in Venice in March is quite warm

What to Wear

A traveler who is thoroughly preparing for a trip will probably ask himself what is worn in Venice in March? Although, in principle, it is not difficult to guess about this – light enough clothes are common, and shoes, which will allow your feet not to get wet if you suddenly decide to walk in the rain. Well, or after it.

A variety of lightweight coats and raincoats, jackets and cardigans are in demand. In short, everything that will not hang like a stone on tourist shoulders during long hikes along “Queen of the Adriatic”. But at the same time, that won’t allow you to overcool.

We recognize slickers as an unnecessary item of clothing, although those who use them in any weather to free their hands for photos from good angles may object to us. Well, the only answer to this is that we prefer umbrellas.

Prices 2024

Hotels and apartments in Venice are expensive at any time of the year. So for those who would like to save money, we recommend considering to stay in Mestre. From which “La Serenissima” can be reached in 15 minutes by public transport.

We recommend an inexpensive (65 € for two people per day), but very good located Hotel Delle Rose. It’s convenient to get from it to both Marco Polo Airport and Venice proper (tram line T1). There is also a supermarket nearby where you can buy food for a snack.

The Staycity Aparthotels Venice Mestre, located in pleasant proximity to the bus stop and the railway station, is also praised in the fresh reviews. Accommodation costs about 70 €, and it’s very cheap compared to how much you have to pay if decided to stay in March in Venice itself.

For example, in the Cannaregio district, which is popular among tourists (due to relatively reasonable prices) a couple of travelers will pay a minimum of 130-140 € per night.

If you still insist, then Hotel Abbazia looks like the best option in our opinion. Firstly, it is located in the building of a restored monastery, which immediately sets up a romantic mood. Secondly, it is very close to the train station.

And thirdly, it’s quiet here, the breakfasts are either “good” or “excellent”. And the reviews just provoke you to book… having spent more than planned, but not at all upset about it!”

What to Do in Venice in March

Obviously, at the beginning of spring, you will not get to the sales in Italy – except for their official closing. But it’s not a big deal – you can still bring a lot of wonderful things, souvenirs and gifts from Venice.

Again, you’re not going there especially for shopping, are you?! Quite the contrary, most people go to Venice for something else: a romantic atmosphere, amazing sunrises, the opportunity to see incredible architectural beauty.

By the way, about it! What a tourist needs to visit Venice in the first place, in March or any other month, is listed in our separate material. Read it if you don’t want to waste time planning the sightseeing route through “City of Canals”.

There are also a lot of interesting places in the vicinity. And not only nearby – you will find a variety of decent attractions in Verona and Vicenza, Padua, Treviso e.c.

After all, from Venice you can easily get to Lake Garda or visit Milan. It will take quite a bit of time to travel to Ferrara, in the middle of which stands the formidable and beautiful castle of the Dukes of Este.


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