Top Beach Towns in Liguria

There are many wonderful beach towns in Liguria

Best beach resorts in Liguria: TOP-5 coastal towns of the Italian Riviera. Where they are located, description, photo. Weather, water temperature, when is it better to go on the seaside vacation to Liguria, places to visit – found out good Time for Trip.

The Italian Riviera is a logical continuation of the French Riviera. Clear evidence that the beauty of nature is transboundary. And the feeling of a holiday will not go anywhere, as soon as you move from one beautiful country to another.

The Italian Riviera occupies almost the entire coast of the Liguria region. And it stretches from the town of Ventimiglia on the border with France to the large port of La Spezia. In fact, even a little further, almost to the sand beaches of Tuscany.

There are both quite democratic beach resorts in Liguria: like Camogli or Rapallo, where you can book a room for a quite modest 60-70 € per night. So there are the places that are more focused on the “cream of society” – the same Portofino.

Best Beaches in Liguria

The most famous on the Ligurian coast are the resorts Bordighera, Sanremo and Portofino. Not so refined and therefore in demand among citizens with low incomes beaches of Ventimiglia.

Residents and guests of Genoa, the capital city of the region, enjoy sunbathing and swimming in Arenzano, Cogoleto, Savona. After all, it’s usually not too crowded here, and the prices in many hotels will also please the economical tourist.

Camogli is one of the most popular beach towns in Liguria

Also you can go from Genoa in the other direction – to the sought-after and therefore often crowded good beach resort in Liguria, Camogli. Of course, it’s better to do this outside the summer season – in September it is quite possible to relax here inexpensively.

Well known is Rapallo, much less: Chiavari and Sestri Levante. Very popular among travelers a whole bunch of medieval villages in the Cinque Terre area – no wonder they are among the top beach resorts in Italy.

With size and free space in the beaches here are tense. But Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarolla, Monterosso, Riomaggiore are extremely photogenic. And once you have been there, you will fall in love with this area forever – it’s not without reason that people come to see the Cinque Terre even from Florence!

For the purpose of seaside holiday, you can also visit such settlements in the south of the region as Lerici and Portovenere.


Bordighera is an ancient city founded by the Ligurian tribe. In the XVII-XVIII centuries it was the capital of a tiny republic, which also included the surrounding villages.

After the Napoleonic wars, it was chosen by the rich Englishmen who loved to spend the winter months here. They can be understood: to celebrate Christmas under palm trees and with a view of the sparkling turquoise sea is more pleasant than in the arms of a cold snow drift and under the sky lying on the sidewalks.


This resort town – the capital of the music festival of the same name, very popular in Italy – at one time was especially loved by the European aristocracy. Here, even the seaside promenade is named Empress Avenue – in honor of the wife of the Russian Emperor Alexander II, Maria Alexandrovna.

Sanremo is one of the beach towns of Liguria with a comfortable climate

The royal lady who visited here liked San Remo so much that she ordered palm trees in Egypt to decorate the town.

The composer Pyotr Tchaikovsky also adored this place. Probably for the fact that he was visited by inspiration here.


is a well-known (in certain circles) Italian beach resort on the coast of the Ligurian Sea. Located just 30 km east of Genoa, it’s considered a quite bohemian place. At one time, the creative European intelligentsia loved to spend their holidays here: Maupassant and Nietzsche, Liszt and Sibelius regularly visited Rapallo.

This certain touch of exclusivity is preserved in the resort today. Which, surprisingly, didn’t affect the local hotels prices too much.

The coast here is rocky, the beaches are pebbly, there are few places for recreation and swimming. The water is, however, clear. Perhaps because many go to sunbathe and swim in the vast bay of Santa Margarita.


owes its current prosperity mainly to Hollywood stars who have flooded the coast since the 1920s.

However, the romantic cliffs of the area, overgrown with pine trees and decorated with old castles, attracted creative people before. Guy de Maupassant and Friedrich Nietzsche, Richard Wagner and Sigmund Freud rested here… Subsequently, Ernest Hemingway also visited.

By the way, Portofino also has a casino. Fame is only slightly less than Monegasque.

Portofino is a beach town in Liguria popular among creative people

Cinque Terre

The villages of the designated area are notable for their picturesque, downright picturesque location. And still not a shocking invasion of civilization! It’s for this reason that UNESCO recognized them as the heritage of mankind.

A secluded location, we note, sometimes plays a cruel joke with the area. In November of 2011, for example, after heavy rains and the resulting flooding, the villages were cut off from the world. And the rescuers had to literally make their way along the washed-out and littered with stones mountain roads.

Portovenere and Lerici

A wonderful sight is the town Portovenere, not far from La Spezia. Founded by the Romans, under the Republic of Genoa it was turned into an important stronghold on the coast. From that time, the imposing castle of Doria has been preserved, looking magnificent against the backdrop of the rocks.

On Cape Portovenero has survived the amazing Gothic church of St. Peter, dating back to the 13th century.

Beautiful and neighboring Lerici. Whose main attraction, in addition to the climate, which promises a minimum of +10-12 °C (50-53,6 °F) in winter and an average of +25-27 °C (77-80,6 °F) in the high-season, is an impressive medieval castle, founded in the XII century.

Best Time to Go on Vacation to Liguria

The high season on the Italian Riviera starts no later than mid-June and ends around mid-September. The indicated period promises the best, that is, the warmest and sunniest weather conditions.

The air temperature during the day reaches +25-32 °C (77-89,6 °F) and doesn’t fall below +20 °C (68 °F) at night. The wind calms down compared to spring, clear days are in the obvious majority!

Summer is the best time to relax in Ligurian beach towns

The climate of the region is not dry. But it rains in summer and early autumn no more than 3-4 times a month. That is, precipitations don’t act on the nerves and only freshen the air.

May is considered quite controversial in terms of vacation on the local coast. Since the atmosphere is still not warm enough – up to +20-22 °C (68-71,6 °F) – the sea water simply freezes (+17-19 °C – 62,6-66,2 °F).

Winds at this time tend to pierce rather than refresh. After the rain, you will probably want not to walk along the shore, but to sit in a cafe with a cup or glass of something soothing.

The sea temperature already in June go up to +23-24 °C (73,4-75,2 °F), at the peak of the season it reaches area of +30-35 °C (86-95 °F). You can swim in the sea until the beginning of October. Then the water area cools down from the minimum acceptable +20-22 °C (68-71,6 °F) to +18-19 °C (64,4-66,2 °F).

November is exceptionally rainy and often stormy on the Ligurian coast. Creative nature, perhaps, will be useful to look at the revelry of the elements. But for an ordinary vacationer, demanding on warmth and sun, it is contraindicated to go to the beaches of Liguria during this period! Way better (and more correct) to go sightseeing in Florence.


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