Budapest in March

Budapest blooms in March

Budapest in March 2024 – is it worth going? Weather, air temperature, what to wear, prices in hotels and on excursions. What to visit in Budapest in the beginning of March and on the threshold of April, where to travel in Hungary – in an article of good Time for Trip.

Any experienced traveler knows that March is not the best time to plan a future summer vacation. In the sense that the most interesting hotels and the cheapest flights are already booked by enterprising tourists in winter, if not in autumn.

But on the other hand, the beginning of spring is a great time for the trip itself. Particularly somewhere in Central or Southern Europe!

Few people know, but in the same Budapest, March is perfect for sightseeing, educational tourism. When prices are still as low as in winter, and there are very few loitering foreigners, on the streets, in museums and shops.

As for the weather, it won’t freeze you. On the contrary, March in Budapest is the time warm enough for doing a lot of interesting things.

Do you want more facts? We have collected them in our material dedicated to the climatic and price features of March in the capital of Hungary. And in the whole country, too!

Weather in Budapest in March

As mentioned above, statistically it looks very promising from the point of view of an active traveler. A person which is aimed at seeing the maximum possible number of sights, as well as wishing to treat yourself to a large number of national dishes. In a word – a gourmet in every sense.

In general, even in early March, the weather in Budapest is usually the best for walking outdoors. As it’s mostly dry: not hot, but not too cold – in short, ideal for walking city tours. For those who wear up “properly”, of course.

The air temperature during the day rarely leaves the range of +6-12 °C (42.8-53.6 °F). At night, however, it’s colder – sometimes it comes to frost – -3-5 °C (26.6-23 °F).

Warming up to +18-20 °C (64.4-68 °F) usually occurs in Budapest not earlier than in the third decade of March. But don’t hope that it will last long – the weather is still very unstable!

In March 2023 in Budapest, negative temperatures at night were recorded until the middle of the month. Although during the day the sun warmed the atmosphere sometimes up to +15-18 °C (59-64.4 °F).

It's warm enough in Budapest in March

City Tours & Cruises in Budapest in Sept. 2024
Entertainment Duration, h Price from, $
Evening Sightseeing Cruise 1.5 approx. 28
Guided Tours in Budapest on e-Scooter 1-3 48
Vampire Walking Tour in Buda Castle District 2 approx. 24

And the Danube and the embankments are shrouded in thick fogs. Moreover, this regularly happens in Budapest, not only at the beginning, but also at the end of March.

Because the


here is traditionally high – the climate of the Hungarian capital is formed by Danube. And in the morning, as well as in the evenings, dank dampness makes itself felt. Consider this moment if you are going to view the city from the board of a cruise boat.

But in general, in early March, the weather in Budapest is not too cold. Allowing you to combine trips to museums, street promenades, shopping and soaking in a variety of thermal baths in approximately equal proportions.

In some years, in the first decade of the month, the atmosphere during the day warms up to +15-17 °C (59-62.6 °F). Although usually a steady rise in air temperatures above +15 °C (59 °F) is observed here only closer to the beginning of April.

Is this a reason to reduce the time of street walking  and concentrate on hop-on hop-off sightseeing buses? Perhaps it’s so – this pleasure hard to recognizes as too ruinous (of about 32-35 €).

Rains and Sun

The norm of precipitation in March Budapest is small – about 30-40 mm. Rainy, however, are only 3-4 days per month.

But the sun at this time appears in the breaks of the clouds infrequently. And the number of clear days can be counted on the fingers… of two hands!

Daylight hours range from 11 to almost 13 hours. The sun rises at 6.25-5.25 am. And it sits over the horizon from half past five to early seven in the evening.

What to Wear in Budapest in March

A quilted jacket and a pullover or sweater look like must-haves for any traveler looking to visit Budapest in early spring. Not too warm, but comfortable shoes will also come in handy; children should take scarves, hats and caps with them.

Because – we emphasize again – stability is not typical for the March weather in Budapest. And having undressed one day to a shirt due to +20 degrees Celsius (68 °F) and bright sun, the next you will be surprised to wrap yourself in half of the wardrobe you took with you. And still freeze.

Remember that at night here is quite cold, and the dampness from the Danube turns the usual coolness into a frightening one. Yes, and the average daily temperature in the range of + 7-8 ° C (44.6-46.4 °F), even on the threshold of April, is a common thing.

Prices 2024

Not as low as (budget) traveler would like. Therefore, you can find decent housing for two only if you have about 60-70 € per day.

First of all, pay attention to Vaci Street, the surroundings of Vöresmarty Square and the Basilica of St. Stephen. This is not a cheap area, and therefore it’s not so easy to find a free room there at an affordable price – you need to do this in advance!

If you’re lucky, you can book, for example, the cozy Viktoria Central Apartment. Wonderfully located and not particularly expensive – in the middle-March the pair of travelers can stay here for just 60-65 € a day.

We also recommend the well-equipped 30-meter JobelHome studio, half-kilometer from Matthias Church. Just 5 minutes walk – and you are in the center of the Buda Castle.

View look like a wonderful choice somewhat more expensive, but designed Elegant apartment with Buda Castle. No wonder – it represents the spacious flat with a great view of the Fisherman’s Bastion…

What to Do in Budapest in March

You won’t be bored in Hungary in March – there is no doubt about it! And usually tourists are starting to explore Budapest immediately upon arrival!

There are a lot of things to do in Budapest in April

Only by throwing your suitcases into your room, you can immediately go visit the Old Quarters of Buda. Wander around the Fortress Hill, explore the graceful Matthias Basilica, admire the Danube from the terrace of the Fisherman’s Bastion.

Then it’s time to cross to the other side of the river along the symbol of the city, the Chain Bridge. Visit Vöresmarty Square, full of excellent restaurants – do try the traditional Hungarian cuisine!

Then go to Vaci shopping street, one of the most popular shopping areas in the capital. Only keep in mind that most shops in Budapest are closed on March 15, the Day of the Hungarian Revolution. Like their employees, many Hungarians prefer to celebrate this holiday on the streets.

The basilica of St. Stephen makes a proper impression, the bell tower of which you can also climb. And located a little on the other side of the Central Market, overflowing with souvenirs and all sorts of delicacies.

Be sure to visit the luxurious parliament building. As well as such places as the Széchenyi baths in the Varosliget park, the Vaidaidahunyad castle, the Budapest Zoo, and museums.

Rarely does not appear in the tourist program Gellert Hill with the Cave Church and the famous baths. But not even every second traveler gets to the country tower of Erzhbet on Mount Janos, as well as to the Hungarian Skansen.

Where to Go

Still, because you need to have time to get from Budapest to Vienna. As you understand – a very promising city! Many also intend to see Bratislava – to get there the train takes about 3.5 hours.

But most travelers have an easy-to-understand desire to focus on Hungary’s iconic sights near Budapest.

Therefore, be sure to go to the city of museums (and marzipan) Szentendre, visit Vishgorod. Pay a visit to Esztergom – it’s almost a crime not to visit the grand Basilica of St. Adalbert.

Visit Vaca and Gyor, get to Pannonhalm. The UNESCO-listed ancient abbey, standing on the hill where, according to legend, Saint Martin was born.

Whether to go in March to the largest lake in Europe, Balaton, is a debatable question. But the unique nature thermal reservoir,  Lake Heviz, can be visited at any time of the year.

The Sümeg fortress is beautiful even in early spring. Also, magnet the attention the magnificent baroque palace of Festetics in Keszthely.

Relatively close to the Hungarian capital are: the beautiful Bukk National Park and the town of Eger. The latter is famous not only for its fortress, but also for fine wine, as well as thermal baths.


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