Paris in June

June is the perfect time to visit Paris

Paris in June 2024 – is it worth going? Weather, air temperature, what to wear, prices in hotels and on excursions. What to do in Paris in early June and closer to July, where to visit and go in the vicinity – in a detailed review of good Time for Trip.

June is obviously the best of the summer months for organizing educational and sightseeing trips. At least in Europe, where in most places it will be warm at this time, but not too hot yet.

Perfect? In fact – Yes! In most cases, a decision to make a trip to somewhere in Europe in June looks optimal.

Especially if you prepare this step in advance. And create an itinerary of visiting attractions that allows you to minimize standing in queues!

Take, for example, June in Paris. Characterized by warm weather (usually), but also attracts an incredible number of travelers. Which decided to awaken romantic feelings and logically intended to do it at the sunset of spring in one of the most suitable for this places.

For this reason, it is still impossible to call June the best month of the year to visit Paris. But you can still turn such a trip into a bright and memorable one (in a good way) an event in your life. And we’ll tell you why right now!

Weather in Paris in June

It doesn’t always 100% correspond to the hopes of travelers. After all, what they want?

A lot of wandering around the streets, getting stuck on the embankments and observation decks? Visiting the famous Parisian sights without wasting too much time? Treating yourself by trying traditional French cuisine in an atmospheric restaurant like Cafe de Flore? And, of course, go shopping – anyone must bring back gifts or something memorable by from France.

In June there is warm in Paris

So, at least in the first half of June, the weather in Paris as a whole will contribute to all the designated by travelers events. It won’t force tourists to overload backpacks and bags with supplies of drinking water, but require the presence of umbrellas and raincoats.

However, let’s go in order!

At the beginning of June 2023, the air temperature in Paris in the afternoon hardly reached the range of +21-22 °C. Walking along the boulevards and embankments of the Seine in the evenings and at night was worth wearing jackets and jumpers – it was from +12 to +16 °C on the street.

The middle of the month brought a slight change in the nature’s mood, and the sun began to warm up the atmosphere to +25-27 °C. For several days there was even an unbearable heat – up to +34-36 °C!

But at the end of June, the weather in Paris returned to the average +24-26 °C. At night, at the same time, air temperature dropped to +15  °C (and this is at best!).

Approximately the same pattern is observed in Paris at the beginning of summer every year. Sometimes, even at the start of June, air temperatures tend to +23-25 °C. But in other years they don’t even want to know about the existence of a range above +20 °C.

Humidity is high because June in Paris is considered (by meteorologists) one of the wettest months of the year. And you need to prepare for the fact that 1 to 2 days of your vacation may be partly spoiled by a downpour.

The average number of rainy days per month can reach up to 6-7. The usual precipitation rate is about 50 mm

The reviews recommend not to pay too much attention to such statistics, since wet Paris visually looks more attractive than dry one. But this, of course, bases on subjective perception – it still won’t hurt to stock up on an umbrella and a raincoat!

What to Take with You

It depends on whether you travel light or intend to spend a holiday in complete comfort. Anyway, you still need to bring some things with you.

Although mostly tourists prefer to take away them from France. Who’s what: souvenirs, groceries, fashionable clothes…

Sorry, we got distracted…

When preparing a trip, you should take into account that the voltage of the household power grid in France is 230 V. And the sockets are very different from those to which American and British citizens are accustomed – here is used the Type E instead.

In most cases, a regular adapter will be enough to charge laptops and other useful gadgets. But sometimes you will also need a voltage adapter – in the event that your device can’t be powered from a 230 V mains

We also recommend that you take a splitter with several sockets with you. This unit will definitely come in handy in those hotels and apartments where the number of outlets is much less than the number of your gadgets.

The Eiffel Tower offers a wonderful view of Paris In June

As mentioned above, umbrellas clearly won’t be superfluous in tourist luggage – not at this time and not in this place. Also, experienced travelers recommend to pack a power bank. Since you will want to take pictures all the time, but can’t charge gadgets in any cafe.

What do they wear in Paris in June? There is no single style: on the streets you can meet both citizens in shorts and T-shirts, and tourists elegantly dressed in trousers and blazers

If you go for a walk along the embankments in the evening or at night, throw a jacket and a raincoat over your shoulders. Yes, exactly: both!

Prices 2024

To book a hotel – not a bad one in terms of the condition of the rooms and the cautiousness of the staff, plus located not in the suburbs of Paris – in June is almost impossible. For a sane money, we mean.

In general, the cost of decent places, taking into discounts, only starts from 150 $!

What to do – the popularity of the city is off the scale! The beginning of summer here, despite the disadvantages, is in great demand among tourists.

In view of the generally small selection, we will recommend only a couple of (lovely) places.

Has tiny dimensions and therefore not everyone will like the studio CMG – Incroyable 2P- Montmartre/Sacré cœur. Though on the other hand it has a very good location and isn’t far from the metro station. According to the totality of qualities, it deserved a good rating of 8.4 on the Booking.

The Apollinaire Hotel in the 14th arrondissement is a bit better place, although somewhat more expensive. If you’re lucky, you’ll get a room on the top floor with a view of the Parisian roofs and the Montparnasse Tower.

And you can walk to the last, excellent, by the way, observation point in 5 minutes. Nearby is the Luxembourg Garden, you want to wander around in June literally every day!

Excursions in Paris in summer are also not cheap, except for cruises on the Seine, for which you have to pay about 20-22 €. A walk through Montmartre or, for example, the Latin Quarter as part of a group with a guide will cost 40 € and above.

For a visit to the Louvre without a queue and with a guide knowledgeable in art, you will have to pay from 50-60 €. A much larger amount will have to be paid for the passage without a queue and with an escort to the Eiffel Tower.

What to Do in Paris in June

There is no reason to somehow reduce the program of visiting interesting places in the French capital and its surroundings. Because, as mentioned above, the local weather in the early summer doesn’t create unsolvable problems for travelers.

Of course, you should prepare a plan B in case of heavy rain on the day that you are going to spend, for example, on a visit to Disneyland

But this is unlikely to cause difficulties – there are some art museums in Paris. And most of them, that aren’t the part of the big trio: the Louvre, Musée d’Orsay or Centre Pompidou, rarely see foreign tourists in their halls.

Again, you can always go shopping in Paris – the city has an incredible number of stores and malls. And the prices in some of them will pleasantly surprise American or British travelers.

Surely you will also want to take a cruise on the Seine. Most tourists cannot refuse to climb the Eiffel Tower – even if they have been there before. Although, in order not to stand at the tail of a long queue, you will have to purchase an online ticket for the selected date in advance.

Paris in June is characterized by warm weather

Don’t think that you will be able to do this after arriving in Paris – tickets for June run out in May!

Also, you should definitely visit Montmartre – the highest natural elevation in the French capital. And there: go inside (for free), and then climb the dome of the Sacre Coeur (for money).

Is it worth trying to get to the performance at the Moulin Rouge Cabaret? Everyone has to decide for themselves!

The Marais and the Latin Quarter, the Isle of Cité and Notre Dame de Paris, the Luxembourg Garden are “must-see” attractions of Paris. A traveler who has time can add to the list the Pantheon and the Dôme des Invalides, the Paris Opera.

A day trip to Versailles, where the most chic of the French chateaux is located, looks quite natural. A lover of history and architecture may also want to see Palace of Fontainebleau and (or) Chantilly.

Every at least second tourist is planning to go from Paris to Normandy. Where are such amazing sights of France as the Mont-Saint-Michel Abbey and the Cliffs of Etretat are located.


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