Karlovy Vary

One day in Karlovy Vary will fill your trip with bright impressions

What to do in Karlovy Vary first, main attractions to see? The best time for the trip, where to stay, what original foods to try? What to visit near Karlovy Vary and why – explored good Time for Trip.

Karlovy Vary is a world-famous resort town located in the western part of the Czech Republic. It’s considered one to the main tourist-like sights of the European country, specializes in both medical and sightseeing tourism.

For the curious traveler, there isn’t much to see in Karlovy Vary in terms of prominent attractions, apart from the healing mineral springs. However, that’s not a problem –  just one day spent at the resort will fill you with not only the health but also vivid impressions and optimism.

Is it any wonder that dozens of touristic buses arrive at the town daily during the season?

Usually, the bus tours to Karlovy Vary from Prague aren’t particularly expensive. But, sadly, this kind of trips give you only a few hours to explore this beautiful place.

That’s completely wrong!

So those who would like to enjoy a calm and unhurried atmosphere and truly relax should stay in Karlovy Vary for several days. After all, wouldn’t you like to treat yourself not just to something pleasant but also beneficial?

By the way, there are many excellent spa hotels in the resort. They might not be considered cheap, but they generally don’t break the bank.

First and foremost, we recommend looking at the offer of Spa Hotel Anglický Dvůr, where in the middle of winter (celebrating Christmas and New Year in Karlovy Vary is a popular pastime), you can rent a room for two for just €170-200 per day.

Another option is a bit more expensive, but still not up to the cost of the most luxurious local hotels, Olympia Spa & Wellness.

Best Time to Go

To visit a town like Karlovy Vary there is no need to choose a specific month. Because this place looks great all year round and you will have a lot of fun in almost any month.

You can go to Karlovy Vary at any time of the year

Arriving here in the spring (in April and later), you will see the beautifully blossoming town. As Karlovy Vary awakens from its winter slumber and is filled with freshness and aromas.

Without any therapeutic procedures you’ll feel yourself great just strolling through the streets

In summer, this charming Czech town can also capture your heart forever. You will spend hours wandering along the embankments, admiring the impressive architecture, or sitting on a bench with a book.

It is worth noting that with the warming, the resort becomes crowded. During the high season, prices in local hotels, as well as for meals in cafes and restaurants, rise to mind-blowing amounts.

Those traveling with kids, of course, should visit Karlovy Vary in the summer. But in this case just don’t forget about some precautions!

As, although Karlovy Vary is not a beach resort, walking around it in the hot hot and sunny weather, it’s better to wear sunscreen and hats.

Those who visit Karlovy Vary in autumn can enjoy the unique and vibrant views, because at this time the foliage is colored in all tones of ochre: yellow, orange and red. The air is getting cooler, and the occasional rain brings some freshness

However, there are more cloudy days in autumn, which can cause some people to feel slightly melancholy. On the other hand, such an environment can inspire creative citizens with interesting ideas.

From late October to the end of March, the weather in Karlovy Vary isn’t especially warm. However, you can easily overcome this by wearing tick clothing. Just dress warmly and explore the town during the low season without any fear.

During this time, the number of tourists in Karlovy Vary decreases, and consequently, hotel prices drop. So, in the “off-season,” you can enjoy a vacation for less money.


There is not much point in spending a lot of time on a sightseeing trip to Karlovy Vary. Because 1-2 days is usually enough to explore this resort town and feel its aura.

The thermal mineral water sources are accessible to guests year-round, both in summer and winter. The pools are also open all year, maintaining a consistent temperature.

The thermal mineral water sources are accessible to guests year-round

You can visit Karlovy Vary with your child even in winter, for example, during the preparation and celebration of Christmas and New Year. As in all European cities, here loves these holidays and adheres to old traditions.

Well before the events, Karlovy Vary transforms: any (almost) window is decorated with Christmas displays, colorful illuminations, trees. Shops are starting to sell traditional Christmas gifts, and colorful fairs open in the squares.

The air is filled with a magical atmosphere, warmth and comfort, expectation of a holiday, hope

It is quite natural that the trip at this time will be remembered not only by children, but also by adults. And if you combine sightseeing trip with some medical treatments at the spa hotel, then your winter vacation will be completely unforgettable.

Top Attractions of Karlovy Vary

There are not many interesting places here, so listing them will not take much time. The first thing to do in Karlovy Vary is to visit the local thermal springs – there are more than a dozen of them (main ones) here.

They all feed from the same source, so there is no distinction in the taste. But the temperature of the water may be different

The most famous local attraction is the Mill Colonnade adorned with 124 Corinthian columns – it was built between 1871 and 1881. Inside there are five hot springs – you can taste the water for free.

There are other colonnades in Karlovy Vary as well. For example, you can visit the Castle Colonnade or the Market Colonnade, adorned with intricate wooden lacework. The Geyser Colonnade, built around the main local geyser, is less impressive but still valuable.

Of course, don’t miss the elegant cast-iron Park Colonnade near the famous Dvořák’s Park

Next to it Karlovy Vary’s main architectural attraction, the Church of St. Mary Magdalene is located. It was built for Catholic parishioners in the early 18th century by the renowned architect Kilian Ignaz Dientzenhofer.

Organ concerts, which are held inside, will appeal not only to subtle connoisseurs of music – this church has excellent acoustics

We also recommend visiting the Diana Observation Tower, located at the top of a 70-meter hill. It offers stunning views of the town and surroundings, on a clear day you can see the Ore Mountains.

To climb up you only need to pay for the ride on the funicular, the lower station of which is located next to the Grandhotel Pupp.

Bohemia is famous for its glass products, so it’s not surprising that the museum at the famous factory is filled with exhibits of amazing beauty.

Shop from the Moser plant in Karlovy Vary is filled with mesmerizing exhibits

Hotels and Spas

A bit further, on the opposite bank of the Teplá River, is the Grandhotel Pupp, famous for its appearance in the James Bond film “Casino Royale” – en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casino_Royale.

While strolling along the Teplá River promenades, you’ll undoubtedly notice the largest spa complex in Europe, Elizabeth Bath. It’s located in the lush Smetana Park and is a great example of how a functional hotel building can be integrated into the historic house.

The baths opened in 1906 and were named after Empress Elisabeth of Austria, although she visited Karlovy Vary only once in her life – in 1892. Interestingly, the royal personage stayed at the still-existing Hotel Tereza.

What to Try in Karlovy Vary

Guidebooks rightly emphasize that Karlovy Vary produces the strong liqueur “Becherovka” (38%), which is infused with herbs and is therefore extremely beneficial.

Due to this it’s considered one of the most popular and recognizable souvenir you can bring back from the Czech Republic. Aside from the beer, of course

You must try the famous Karlovy Vary wafers, Oplatky. Moreover, these wafers are not just a treat – they are also a healthy product as having the local mineral water in their recipe.

A great winter dish to try here, especially for those who are very hungry, is the Karlovy Vary roll. It’s made from veal, ham, and bacon, served with a special sauce and a side of potatoes or rice.

What to Visit Near Karlovy Vary

The Loket Castle is the largest medieval fortification near the town, and you absolutely must see it – the fortress has been preserved excellently. Under normal conditions, the Loket Castle is open to visitors year-round.

A rare foreign traveler (from the UK or the USA) visiting the Czech Republic knows about the existence of the town of Cheb. It is not surprising – this small settlement is located in the farthest (from Prague) part of the country at the foot of the Ore Mountains, near the border with Germany.

Most of tourists visit Cheb only in one case – if they are staying in Karlovy Vary for 2 to 3 days. Any of the local tour agencies offer excursions to Cheb, also you can drive there by your own – it’s just half an hour away.

Cheb is an incredible town, and when you arrive there, you’ll get the strong feeling that it’s frozen in time. The town was built by Slavic tribes as a border fortress, later changing hands between Germans and Czechs many times, and became a part of Czechoslovakia after World War I.

The central square of Cheb is lined with closely packed Gothic houses with red-tiled roofs. The varied colors of the houses and their cozy, old-fashioned charm, give Cheb a pronounced festive note.

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